martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Digital Educational Content-DEC in Technology and Educational Robotic


 “if I am not in the world simply to adapt to it, but rather transform it, and if it is not possible to change the world without a certain dream or vision for it, I must make use of every possibility there is not only to speak about my utopia, but also to engage in practices consistent with it.” 

― Paulo Freire, Pedagogy

I teach technology and computer science in a secondary school in Bogota, Colombia. I worked on a master's thesis on processes of Inquiry through of the robotics. This work had significant achievements and would like to focus my PhD in the creation or design of a virtual space for to  invent, think up and utilize of “Digital Educational Content- DEC” for its will use by teachers who teach technology and educative robotic in the High School.


Current processes of teaching and learning in the era of the information society and own knowledge of the 21st century, have changed the objectives, the means and ways to educate. This was a permanent change, where networks on the Internet, computers and electronic devices affect all life activities, have a great impact on everyday use of information and communication in children, youth and adults. It is in this scenario, which in 1994 created in Colombia a compulsory subject for all schools in elementary and high school called "Technology and Informatics”, where this subject encourage the training in Information the Communication of Technology (ICT) for the study of devices, process and informatics system.
After of 20 years of this creation and the Ministry of National Education of Colombia (or Home Office of Education in Colombia) has aims to train teachers in the creation and use of Digital Educational Content- DEC to support the teaching in the public schools, also there are new challenges in training student in the class of technology of to encourage a line of Robotics and automation and the training in Information Communication of Technology (ICT) with the use of Free Software.

These processes of educational modernization since the technology has begun, but there are very few tools of Digital Educational Content-DEC for teachers from which to design and use virtual educational activities in teaching technology and educational robotics, other virtual activities are created by companies that charge for their use, however it difficult to expand the training for the creation and use of Digital Educational Content- DEC in public schools of nationwide.
Therefore, a primary objective of my dissertation is to develop a virtual space of Digital Educational Content- DEC on technology and educational robotics, enabling free access "online" so they can be used by any teacher in-class technology.

After the finalization of the doctorate or PhD, my interest is to promote spaces of appropriation of technology and educational robotics for the training for teachers in public schools in Colombia in order to use the tools that are available can be evaluated (assessed) and improved, as well as attract new developments from their own practices in their areas of teaching. This Digital Educational Contents-DEC would be available in Spanish and English.
On the other hand, one of the impacts of my master thesis was to change my own perception on how technology education and educational robotics in my country, before my classes I taught to my students to build prototypes or use software technology, only I evaluated if these products were resolved or not. Now, I have changed the way how I teach this class, as well as the objectives and how to assess this learning.

Likewise, now my goal now is in a class for students to develop research processes that to improve skills as creating questions, imagination (think up) and creativity, improving the motivation of children and young people in science, technology and robotics, as well as I like to encourage the humanization of knowledge promoting young people improve their self-esteem, collaborative work ethic and good treatment of others (the good deal with other people).
My proposal educative expect to create Digital Educational Content- DEC of Technology and educational robotic with three design’s category: first category is about of cognitive development (describe, interpret, analyze, assess and self-regulate), the second category is about of skills of inquiry as creating questions, imagination and creativity and the last category is about to improve social skills to live together.


How I can build Digital Educational Content-DEC for the teaching of the technology and educative robotic in high school students to promote cognitive development, research skills and social skills and their continued training teachers?


1.            Designing a methodological educational path for the creation of digital educational content and educational robotics technology to develop three components: cognitive development, research skills and social skills.
2.            Build a technical design of educational digital content according to the methodology previously designed educational path.
3.            Build virtual space technology activities through educational robotics and digital content.
4.            Implement a technology class in these digital contents to recognize if you meet the learning objectives proposed in the methodological route and make improvements to the virtual space.


1.            Organize a workshop or activities to a group of technology teachers for training in the use and creation of Digital Educational Content in virtual space created in my PhD.


             Acuña, A. (2010). Robotics and learning by design, 139, Omar Dengo Foundation: Costa Rica.Barbero, M. J. (Abril, 2002). The crisis of the professions in the knowledge society. NOMADS magazine, 16, 177-181.

             Badía, A. & García, C (2006). Incorporation of ICT in teaching and learning based on the collaborative project development. Journal of University and Society,3 (2).

             Brendan Tangney (2010). Pedagogy and processes for a computer programming outreach workshop, the bridge to college model. IEEE Transaction on Education.

             Báez, H. (2013). Reality Robotics in Colombia. Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Retrieved 10/24/2013 from the website:

             Chesbroug, H. W(2003). Open Innovation: The new imperative for creating and profiting from technology. Boston. Harvard Business School Press, 270p.

             Galvis, A (1999). Ludomática: educational transformation project information for the world. Colombia International Magazine. May-August 1999. Rev n. 46 Pages: 76-93

             Himanen, P. (2001). The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age. Random House. 256p.

             García, C. (2012). Free, printable educational and inexpensive robots. Autonomous University of Madrid. Presented to University Contest

Archimedes 2012 Introduction to Scientific Research Retrieved on February 4, 2014 from
             Robotics, uncovered (s.f). Retrieved November 1, 2012 to:


Video realizado por la Universidad Javeriana- ÁTICO, donde se plasma el proyecto Robarte: Robótica, arte y tecnología. This video is about project in robotic and technology in Colombia, This has lyrics in English.